GoodNotes Tags
Feb - May 2022
GoodNotes Design & Berkeley Innovation
Interaction Design
Visual Design
Motion Design
Over spring of 2022, I had an opportunity to work with GoodNotes on experimental learning features and designed tags / reminders to help students improve learning habits. Reminders were turned into notifications on the product.
Add tags to your notes
I designed tags as customizable visual cues to help you take notes and remember them. Tags are customizable by name, color, shape to suit your needs as a student.
Tag search
Like how real sticky notes pop out of notebooks visually and allow students to quickly find information, students can filter through the digital notebook with search for specific tags.
Create reminders for notes to review
Directly access notebooks from the reminder center and manage your reminders for each notebook. Reminders help you improve your study habits and they can be repeated according to your preferences.
Setting reminders
Reminders can be customized through the reminder settings modal for a specific time and be repeated to reinforce consistent review over time, helping students to develop good study habits.
iOS Reminders modal